Today wasn’t my day
That is all I can say
All my hustle went wasted
Back I came with nothing to lay on my hand
But I don’t care as long as I still breath
Am waiting for tomorrow
To grab what I missed today

Todat can’t be like yesterday
Neither will tomorrow be like today
What I have missed today
I believe I grabbed it yesterday
If not, I will be on it tomorrow
As I sleep with the rattling stomach today
I don’t care as long as I still breath
I am waiting for tomorrow
To grab what I missed today

Life is a perfect circle
Sealed at the end and at beginning
If it gives you passions
Expect bitter lemons the following day
So as I go home empty handed
I can’t complain and feel sad
I don’t care as long as I breath
Am waiting for tomorrow
To unwrap my fortune

@Sebby-The Poet™
All rights reserved


  1. Life is indeed very uncertain. Anything can happen, anytime. And it’s a good point you make that if today is good, not necessarily tomorrow will be good and the vice-versa. You seem to be futuristic too, eagerly waiting for tomorrow, to unwrap your fortune. Loved this one!


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